February 25, 2013

Medical Marijuana: Let It Be. ~ Edith Lazenby

Today, medicinal marijuana is legal in 18 states.

I smoked marijuana from the time I was in high school until my late twenties—I have been told I was medicating myself.

What I know today that I did not know then is that it helped me be in my body.

I was also an active alcoholic for about 15 years—I am told that was a way to medicate myself as well.

In my mind, addiction is never good and I wish I could say I was not addicted to anything today…but that would be a lie.

However, being in my body was painful, emotionally. So I coped. And I don’t think it was the best way, but it was what I did.

I do know that many continue to smoke often or on occasion; I don’t know that it is worse for some than alcohol.

I do know if it was controlled it might safer, and if it helps someone who is suffering from an illness live with less pain and discomfort then medicinal marijuana should be legal, everywhere.

It is proven and documented by the Centers for Disease Control that synthetic marijuana is dangerous and causes kidney damage—it is also documented in the San Francisco Chronicle that pain killers caused more deaths in 2010 than illicit narcotics.

Beginning this weekend, in Washington, DC, February 22th to 25th, Americans for Safe Access are hosting a National Medical Cannabis Unity Conference where John Schwarz, physicist and founder of the Super String theory is speaking.

In this article, he points to the irony of how the Federal government’s policies work against science.

I believe medicinal marijuana should be allowed, legally, wherever it’s needed.

I am not much in favor of drugs; but I still like them and I take them as needed. I have one that is prescribed on a daily basis.

I believe in alternative healing.

I believe those who discard Western medicine, whether for mental health or diabetes or cancer, never had to depend on it.

I believe in doing what is necessary.

I remember the last time I smoked half a joint; I could barely stand up the next day. The same night I was high, I could not follow my own train of thought. Unlike more liberal folk, my experience when I was young is that it exposed me to other drugs and the black market.

However, people use it and some people need it for a medical condition.

And I know for many, it makes life bearable when suffering due to an illness is not optional.

I applaud those meeting this weekend and tomorrow for addressing this.

For many today, marijuana is their only release:

I had a friend who died of AIDS; he could not eat at toward the end.

He was an alcoholic who had been sober but at the end a little booze was all he could keep down.

It was not  his first choice…it was one of his last.


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Ed: Bryonie Wise

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