February 27, 2013

Your Life is a Beautiful Blanket. ~ Melanie Sharp

Your life is a beautiful blanket, made with the most expensive of threads and woven into a unique pattern.

There are some places that are worn and spots where tears have developed due to overuse and strain. Repair those as best you can and enjoy the warmth, comfort, and security of your own life. Allow your blanket to be a safe place; a refuge. For right now, cover up with it and stop worrying about what life outside the blanket is like—don’t even peek.

You can use your blanket as a cape and face the perils and joys of life outside your blanket-cocoon. Then you’ll be like a super hero, ready to face the unknown head-on with the the confidence that you can tackle anything!

That time is coming, and with it, opportunities that are meaningful for you will become available.

While you wait, stay wrapped up in your blanket. Study it. Get to know it. Notice the tiny nuances that make it your own. Touch the places that are mended and look closely at the colors and fabric. Learn as much as you can about your life. Bask in its very special way of keeping you safe and warm.

Let people share your blanket if they need some warmth and protection, but only if you are not left out in the cold. Once exposed to the outside world and feeling vulnerable, gently—ever so gently—reclaim your blanket as your own.

Allow others the opportunity to share in your blanket, using it as a playful tent like you did as a child. Cover the dining room table and find a place of fun and creativity together under the protection of your blanket. Be co-creators when the opportunity arises.

Use it as a cover over you and your true love, finding companionship and passion. But when that time is over, take comfort in the blanket that is yours alone.

You did not make make your blanket. God blended it with just what He knew you needed: the thread, the color, the weight, the size. It is perfectly fitted for your needs and desires.

Your life is what you need—someone else’s would not fit. Live in it. Rest, relax, renew, in this special covering, made from a master craftsman who knows and loves you with an intensity that you can barely fathom. Learning about and appreciating your own life and living it to the fullest pays homage to the artist who made it and reminds you to appreciate the work of art that you are.


Melanie Sharp: “Follow your heart; it knows the way,” became my personal mantra when at the age of 49, I started having heart problems. Now 52, I am ever so grateful to my heart for forcing me to slow down to the speed of my own life. I taught elementary school for 20 years and was voted “Teacher of the Year” by my faculty and peers. Prior to that, I established and became Director of the Childrenʼs Ministry at a local church. My greatest accomplishment was raising two amazing children who are now successful, contributing adults. I am presently working with my husband in his Sports Marketing business, “SharpEdgeventures,” teaching yoga part time, and revisiting one of my first loves: writing.


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Ed: Kevin Macku/Kate Bartolotta

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