March 7, 2013

If I Die on My Bike… ~ Kyle Pogue


If I die on my bike

Leave me to rest where I lie.

Pull me out of the bike lane.

Let my body decay.


If my clothes smell of cigarettes,

Whiskey and beer

Then I died a happy man.

Have ye no fear.


If there’s a God up above

As we’ve been told

Then heaven is one,

Long country road.


It’s an eternal ride

And I never feel gassed.

My traps never hurt

And my taint’s never chapped.


The wind’s at my back

Or there’s no wind at all.

I take corners full speed

And I never fall.


And there’s a bar that’s on wheels

And it rides next to me

And my tab is paid off

Because all the beer’s free.


Yes, worry not riders

If it’s my last goodbye

For I could think of no better

Way I could die.


Kyle Pogue rides bikes, writes and drinks beer. He’ll write about a ride. Or ride to get beer. Or drink beer while writing. He’ll drink while he rides. Or writie while he rides. He finds this to be the most difficult scenerio. He could live without one, as long as he still has the other two.



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Ed: Brianna Bemel
Source: inspirefitness.tumblr.com via Brenda on Pinterest

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