March 1, 2013

Relationships Never Hide…or Do They? ~ Sherri Rosen

Sometimes love can run us over.

Especially if we’re not confident in who we are, we will be tempted to change who we are in an effort to make the other person happy. We have good intentions, but these intentions come from a tired and limping heart.

Here’s the thing: You are beautiful just the way you are. You do not need to change for someone else.

It’s what I like to call the “You Cannot Hide” principle. It means that your heart is beautiful, that you’re beautiful—inside and out.

Others can keep their shame. They can shelve their expectations. They can just take their lofty dream person and stick it where the sun don’t shine—because you know what?

If they don’t think you measure up, then they probably aren’t the right one for you.

Honesty. It’s such a beautiful idea—to be real, vulnerable, naked, open, genuine, to hold nothing back. To never play games. To keep it real.

A dishonest relationship can be damaging, heart breaking and painful—believe me, I know.

Like a lot of my readers, life has taught me lessons. Some of them were beautiful, and others were painful. But I’m so grateful to be growing, to be able to love with courage.

As important as it is to be true to yourself, it’s also important to find someone who is true to himself or herself.

Who wants to grow close to someone who isn’t being honest about who they really are?

Who wants to make love to a dishonest people-pleaser?

Who wants to invest in a relationship that’s a pretty façade with no real mirth or meaning behind it?

Who wants someone that says “I don’t want to lose you. I’ll do whatever it takes,” and their promises fall flat?

Shine, baby. Let your light shine. Stand up and sing your swan song.

This is your life and you’ve got a lot of love to give.

So give it. And don’t take any bullshit from anybody.

Life is too short and too sweet to waste.

Let’s dig down deep and live from our hearts.

Let’s love bravely.

And you know what? If someone doesn’t like it, well, they can just pack their suitcases.

It’s time to be real, to never hide again.


Sherri Rosen is now living in Harlem, New York. She has had her own publicity business for 12 years, giving a powerful voice to people who are doing good things in the world. She writes her own blog at SherriRosen.com.



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Assistant Ed: Josie Huang/Ed: Bryonie Wise

(Source: Puy Wararat via Peairr on Pinterest)


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