Every day we have the opportunity to do something small and “insignificant” that could mean the world to someone.
There is nothing that beats walking up to the post office box and receiving one of those happy yellow slips signifying that a package awaits. More often than not, I get my mail after postal hours so the anticipation builds as I wait for my next visit to the post office.
A yellow slip can signify so many things, but most of all that someone out in the world is thinking of you, only you, and wants you to feel some glorious love and excitement in your day.
Today a package arrived from my sister and nieces. I could pretty much bow out of ever having children because my sister has already bred the most amazing little people. I just can’t compete. I thought they were great when born, but now they are growing into themselves and it is so amazing to watch personality take shape.
In the package my niece had folded a piece of paper around a note. There were 15 pieces of colored construction paper (remember construction paper!?) wrapped around a tiny thank you note for her Christmas gift. With each piece of paper my smile grew. And I thought, this is what it is all about. Random acts of simple goodness.
I don’t need a new pair of over-the-knee brown and teal striped socks.
I don’t need a bath ball, or Maine scented fragrance (although I am a bit obsessed with Maine at the moment), or pine incense.
I don’t need the cross-stitch done by my mother that hung in my Oma’s house that passed away, well, maybe I do need that.
And I definitely don’t need any chocolate, but will enjoy it of course!
What I did need was the knowledge that those three sweet little ladies were thinking of me long enough to put something in the mail.
Every day we have the opportunity to do something small and “insignificant” that could mean the world to someone.
What simple random act did you do today?
Rebecca Schwarz is in a state of constant awareness of just how amazingly glorious this existence can be on a small island in the middle of the Pacific. Monday mornings, early morning runs, channel crossings, belly laughter and her nieces are some of her favorite things. Sweet potatoes, kale and beets make her heart happy. She is contemplating filling her plate too full with the endless amounts of things to do in this life. If you want to try your luck put a note in a bottle and hope that it reaches her, or email her treefishjane@gmail.com.
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Ed: Brianna Bemel
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