March 12, 2013

Swedish Lingerie Store gets it.

For more: “Store mannequins in Sweden. They look like real women.”

It’s a complicated issue, that we’ve touched on many times before. Skinny can be healthy, or it can be an unrealistic, unhealthy reference point that causes, indeed encourages obesity and overeating and binge/purging.

But it’s also a simple subject. Love oneself. Eat real food. Exercise. It’s hard work, but it’s simple: ignore the bullshit and focus in on our own habits.

More info: this was taken at an H&M:

Depending on when the photo was taken it could still be a “big is beautiful” mannequin. H&M had a BiB collection earlier, and maybe still do?

Two other comments making interesting points:

Big is beautiful”.

Exactly, *********s need to stop calling this an average weight. Lying to yourself is helping no one, this mannequin is overweight, it’s for “big” clothing.

The sooner people admit they are fat the sooner they can get help before they die of heart disease.


Sad thing is that calling it average weight is not lying, since the average is overweight now.

Three other interesting comments…

I’m so … sick and tired of people telling skinny girls that they aren’t “real women”. What an offensive crock of sh*t.


I prefer the terms “average women”, “median women”, or “mode women”. All women are real women, but some heights, shapes, and weights are more frequent than others.


| All women are real women

Nonsense, my girlfriend is not real.


My main issue with ‘Skinny’ mannequins are that they are even too skinny to fit into ‘skinny girl’ sizes. I have seen so many stores have to pin back zeros on their mannequins. It’s totally not cool. I for one think Skinny girls have a lovely shape.

Also, semi relevant to the thread, not too much to this comment (I’m sorry!)…I wish online retailers showed pictures of their clothes on women of different sizes. (like 2, 6, and 10, 16) As a 14, I feel like I’m shopping blind online. There are a lot of things that are really cute, that I’m unsure would be flattering on me or not until I try them on. I can’t do that online. I ran into this problem yesterday, but I guess in the end it helped me. I almost spent around $70.00 and ended up spending $0.

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