March 5, 2013

This Is Why We Reach Out to Each Other. ~ Jayleigh Lewis {Video}

What if you knew you would be the last person to touch someone before he or she died?

Would it change the way you touched that person, looked at that person, interacted with that person?

Last week I found a poem by Ellen Bass, titled If You Knew, on the last page of the current issue of Shambhala Sun. I had to struggle to keep from crying as I made my way to the cashier clutching the magazine.

Every time I remember it now, I soften inside and am kinder to those I encounter.

In a world where a sinkhole can open up under your bedroom and swallow you in seconds, you just never know.

We are all wounded, beautiful and so precious.

Here is Ellen Bass reading her poem:


Jayleigh Lewis is a writer who will one day write a book. She currently works as a spiritual advisor to college students as well as a freelance editor. She has a dream that one day humans will remember the integral role ceremony has in our lives and will learn to create sacred spaces within which intention may manifest. Learn more about her dream and read more of her words on her blog.



Like I’m not “Spiritual.” I just practice being a good person. on Facebook.


Ed: Bryonie Wise

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