March 5, 2013

Tips for Being a Modern-Day Gypsy. ~ Star Stone

Source: ngorongoro.tumblr.com via Amy on Pinterest


In the emerging culture of festivals, tribal revival and organic farming, many women are traveling often.

We are living in communal settings and remembering our connection with our divine mother, earth. We are tuning in to our deep core in our sister circles, sitting in ceremony with the mother and exploring our new found relationship with our receptive feminine.

We feel connected to Isis and Mary Magdalene. We are re-claiming the birth of our children. We are recognizing our unique bodies. We are rising up. Yes, the re-emerging feminine is here!

We may feel called to pack up our sheepie rug, grab our Amma altar, jump in the car without giving notice to your landlord and begin an entirely new “thrivestyle.”

Sound familiar?

Then this article is dedicated to you, gypsy girl! You, who have made the transition to a life of traveling and exploring your soul purpose! This guide is to help you successfully nomad with style. May you stay in your power on your journey and thrive!

Tip One: Traveling Altar

A traveling altar is a temple on wheels. Creating one can include personalizing your vehicle with sacred objects, adorning it with bumper stickers with quotes you enjoy and decorating the exterior of your vehicle with artwork.

Sacred objects can include: dried rose petals, owl feathers, sweet grass, picture prints of goddesses or animal spirit guides, sage, incense, palo santo, rose quartz, dream catchers, colorful pillows for your backseat and Mexican blankets.

Tip Two: Transformational Scents.

Transformational scents are oils, soaps, scrubs or body butters that can enhance your car, body or living space. Scents provide an escape. They invite imagination, equanimity, grounding and restoration. Adorn and pamper yourself during your escapades with essential oils and soaps.

For a sensual experience, try rubbing cacao butter all over your body. To uplift and revitalize, try a peppermint or ylang-ylang oil on your temples. Burning cedar in your campfire at night for peace, using a roll-on jasmine oil blend to excite and spraying rose water during hot summer nights for a quick energy boost are all examples of using scents to enhance your experience.

Also, Dr. Bronnerʼs makes a rose soap which can be used as a detergent, hand wash or body wash. Just add water to the concentrate. It’s eco-friendly and it saves money. Or, for abundant gypsies, Living Libations makes raw and organic blends (I never leave any bathroom without applying one of their products).

Tip Three: The Art of Showing Up.

Showing up is how we move in and around her space. Showing up includes: washing the dishes of all the members of the house without being asked, taking out the compost or recycling, sweeping the floors, making the bed, preparing dinner, asking what is needed and, of course, spreading love to each person you meet. Showing up means sharing your whole self: music, artwork, bodywork skills, etc. Whatever you offer, offer! Allow yourself to be seen!

Tip Four: Clear Communication and Agreements.

You may find yourself receiving offers from many (attractive and conscious!) men to host you during your travels. Before accepting an invitation, tune into your intuition about those inviting you into their homes. Ask: Is the invitation from a brother or sister within the community whom you trust? Do you have a reference, a friend or family member who can speak about his or her experience with the space in question? Does the home have clean energy? Do you feel safe here?

If the answers are yes, ask what your agreement will be with your host. For example, will it be three nights with work trade? One night in the yurt for free? 15 dollars per night for tenting? It is helpful to know before entering a space what your agreement will be with the community or host.

Tip Five: Tenting Like a Priestess.

Oftentimes as a gypsy, you may end up camping. Camping can be just as fabulous and abundant as staying in an earthen dwelling or solar home! Make tenting fun by enhancing your tent with extraordinary materials! For example, get a blissful welcome mat for the door of your tent. Also, you can create a “porch” in front of the door which can include sheepskin and colored pillows to sit on as well as books you enjoy.

Inside the tent, place some of your favorite things to make it feel like home. Bring a blanket with the imprint of Isis or Tara inside the tent with you, spray white sage and place that lavender eye pillow on your face for a night under the stars!

Tip Six: Bundles, Backpacks and Purses (Everything You Need to Carry with You, Gypsy!).

Before you hit the road, the sky or the sea, acquire these helpful items to keep with you at all times: bamboo utensils, baby wipes, chia seeds, sea salt, eye mask, ear plugs, eco-water bottle, clean underwear, coconut oil, extra toothpaste and brush, yoga mat, headlamp, hand sanitizer, Band-Aids, tea tree oil and a smile!

Happy exploring!


Star Stone is a creative artist with a BFA from NYU Tisch. She currently travels filming a documentary TV show called Spirit Quest. You can follow here travels at http://youtube.com/spiritquesttvshow, http://facebook.com/spiritquesttv or spiritquesttv.com. The show is scheduled to air in Summer 2013.


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Ed: Kate Bartolotta

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