March 20, 2013

You Have to Ask for What You Want. ~ Andrew Paciocco {Video}

“You’ve got to ask! Asking is, in my opinion, the world’s most powerful—and neglected—secret to success and happiness.”

 ~ Percy Ross

I’m not an elephant journal writer; in fact not any type of writer at all.

I am, however, an avid reader and enjoyer of the content and beautiful reflections contained within these invisible walls.

One common ground of everyone here is we’re all on our respective journeys for discovery and growth and I feel like this is too important a lesson to overlook.

It’s such a simple concept, to ask for what you want—yet still so incredibly foreign and uncomfortable for most people.


Personally, this strikes me on a deeper note—because asking is putting you out there, unguarded against any amount of negative reactions and consequences.

I can remember the girls I never asked out in various stages of school because I was unwilling to be vulnerable to their rejection; times I’ve refused to ask friends for simple assistance because I was afraid to appear weak or in need.

I’ve been attempting to start a daily yoga practice the last couple of months.

The funny part is, I’ve been interested in it for a couple of years but never allowed myself to ask for help or guidance with getting started—I didn’t want the accountability of involving someone else in an endeavor I might fail at (or look funny doing).

Vulnerability is a bitch—it’s a bitch we all get to learn to love if we’re going to make our way down any path.

This is me, embracing vulnerability, for everyone here to see.


Andrew Paciocco is not a writer. He’s a project manager for a small local company in Virginia. He’s a technology geek on a budget. He’s a gambler and at home in any dingy pool hall or card room. He’s equally at home on the couch reading or riding his bike on the Greenway. He thinks you’d be hard pressed to find any animal he doesn’t love. He does the best he can and admires those who are able to be open and raw with the world.



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Ed: Bryonie Wise


(Source: awomanspage.com via Rebecca on Pinterest)




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