April 28, 2013

Be Inspired, Come Alive. ~ Noa Mati

Creation comes from inspiration. Inspiration is simply spirit in motion. And when spirit moves us, our creative power goes far beyond anything we can imagine.

In a moment of inspiration, the idea of this video came to me. I had been taking my own yoga pictures in different places around the world and one day I thought, what can I do with all these pictures?

Time to create!

I had never made anything like this before, but once I had the vision in mind, everything else flew effortlessly.

My vision for this video, and for life, is to be a source of inspiration to everyone I come in contact with; I want too plant the seeds of joy, faith and love.

We are all such powerful creators who can create and recreate anything our hearts desire.

My yoga practice continues to show me that again and again.

The physical and mental changes that take place once you dedicate yourself to any practice are immeasurable.

I didn’t start my yoga practice because of any deep spiritual reason, it was totally based on the desire to change my body—a complex that so many women have in common in our society.

I found out that it doesn’t matter. Use whatever motivates you to dedicate time to yourself, to your body, and the rest will follow.

After all, body, mind and spirit are one of the same.

Yoga is a powerful practice.

It unites and unifies.

It creates harmony within so we can experience harmony without.

It strengthens the self so we can walk on this earth taller and brighter.

It opens the heart so we can love unconditionally and fiercely.

It brings more stillness into our lives so we can experience true peace.

It allows us to look deep inside and rise in love with who we are.

It teaches us acceptance and compassion.

It shows us how powerful we really are so we can liberate ourselves from any limitations and false beliefs.

What I cultivate on my mat, I take into the world. The practice becomes a way of living.

Balance, Strength, Flexibility, Stillness, Ease, Grace, Focus, Determination, Humility.

It is never too late. We are never too old, never too sick, never too broken to start all over again and be the best, most spectacular version of ourselves.

This video is dedicated to all of us who walk on this earth. May your spirit move you to be inspired, to come alive and to love, love, love.


Noa is a passionate Yoga practitioner and a yoga teacher who resides on the island of Maui. One of her missions in life is to spread the awareness to our own temple bodies through yoga practice and natural living. Her philosophy is: Treat your body, mind and spirit like you would treat the most pristine and precious home you’ve ever lived in. Life is a gift. Our bodies are a gift. This earth is a gift. Noa is dedicated to be a living inspiration on this planet and to continuously BE inspired.


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  • Assist Ed: Olivia Gray
  • Ed: Brianna Bemel
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