April 18, 2013

Beautiful Agony: 8 Songs that Parallel the Rhythmic Path to Orgasm.

The buildup between 130 and 227 is…good god, a lot of pressure, released!

Beautiful Agony.


Relephant bonus: Speaking of Orgasm… Reading to Climax. {NSFWish}

A few of my favorite songs, I realize, follow a pattern fundamental to life: and fundamental, too, to what makes life: sex; and fundamental, even more precisely, to the rhythm of sex that conceives life: that is, orgasm.

They start gently, methodically, but steadily, sweetly…they wander to and fro, but build all the while…they gather heat and form and storm and retreat and regather and build until! and then! And so! And… yet… yes… and until. And until they finally crescendo, and collapse, and relax.

…And, then, perhaps, they begin again, slowly, gently, methodically…

Here’s eight. Any others you can think of? Add them in comments below, I’ll add them here.

Number one. Best known from the Diamond Commercials of back-in-the-day, Karl Jenkins:

Number two. Carmina Burana, O Fortuna. Of course Read the amazing lyrics here:

Number three. Wagner. Flight of the Valkyries:

Number four: Khachaturian, the Sabre Dance.

Number five: from Hans Zimmer’s remarkable soundtrack for Gladiator: The Battle.


Number six: Carmen, Habanera, via Maria Callas. There’s a techno version of this that amazingly illustrates my point…couldn’t find it on youtube.

Number seven: too easy, but beautiful. It’s sex in a song:

Okay, there’s a thousand of these songs, I’m realizing. Every genre, it seems. Funk. Disco. Pop. Classical.

8. And Every Paul Van Dyk song, ever. Saw him at Coachella, and saw how we literally played the drugged up young crowd…building up, crescendo, collapse yeah!, building up, crescendo wow!, collapse. To be fair: just about every techno club electronica song, ever, fits the orgasm slow buildup and climax path.

For more beautiful agony.

Bonus: Suggested by readers below:

Bonus: watch this one, especially the last bit. Red-faced then…ah.

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