April 1, 2013

Is Yoga ready for a (tasteful) Porn Star?

He lives in LA. It’s long been an open secret, to be fair:

For six years, I’ve known the identity of a relatively prominent yoga teacher in LA…who also happens to be a (tasteful) porn star. Today’s the day to reveal the truth.

I’m sorry to ruin your career, good sir…but since you have two great careers going, don’t think you’ll mind. And heck, in the LA yoga scene, its long been an open secret…and your classes are packed, nevertheless (despite or because, or neither?). So perhaps your yoga retreats and your classes will do even better. In any case, know that I’ve sat on this for years despite the readership potential…and, given that the news is all over the internet, anyway, I figured it’s time the truth gets a proper, respectful hearing. ~ ed.

Click here for a full report on the yoga porn star in question.

Bonus: Waylon talks yoga integrity with Cyndi Lee, Richard Freeman, Seane Corn:

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