April 8, 2013

My Inside Most Innermost Me.

“I am living, breathing freedom.” ~ Hiroko Sakai

I was outside and wandering about today, enjoying my first ‘taste’ of spring and taking in all of the littlest of things, as I breathed in the joy of this day.

I watched a heron gliding silently in and settling in to his place along the lake.

And two of my most favorite ducks were busy whisking their ducklings away.

And the bulbs that I had planted this season before, were breaking their way through the dirt.

And the little ones were already busy at play, finding only the best spots for their ‘forts.’

I dream always of days just like today—and think back to all of the springs that have passed.

And always and inevitably, I am so filled with delight that my inside inner me is still intact.

Enjoy this most beautiful day…breathe in that first breath of spring.

But mostly, think back to all of your days that have passed, and celebrate your “inside most innermost me.”

Bonus Poem on Maintaining a Childlike Carefree

Free Spirit by Natasha Austin

little joy so free
so spry and upbeat and no cares in this world
except whether or not a ladybug will fly away home
on request

sunshine and flowers
and ribbons in her hair
polka dot sun-dresses and bare feet
that softly tread grass and soil
no idea that this is the best time of her life

so joyful and carefree
little eyes deepest brown under the darkest lashes
without a shred of doubt that the world is hers
as are the hugs mommy gives
and the kisses she steals

simple pleasures like rainfall and puddles
should last for always
as should the wide white grin and twinkling eyes
of a four year old
picking dandelions in the daylight



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Ed: Bryonie Wise

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