Isn’t it great when all the important thoughts rummaging around in your head are found condensed on a poster?
This particular conglomeration of thoughts and ideas work to increase the sense of value in our life; it points to the number one thing that is critical to our happiness and contentment: relationships.
Relationships do not just imply partnerships with others, but also encompasses the relationships we hold with ourselves: the thoughts we have, the emotions we carry and the love we decide to devote to our own well-being.
Investing in ourselves (i.e., health, nutrition, meditation, exercise) allows for a more saturated and fuller investment into others and life in general.
Relationships with nature are also a critical part of our partnerships in life. We cannot disregard the one element that allows for existence: the earth and its animals. Being cognizant and appreciative of the space we inhabit and the creatures within are important to our overall well-being as well.
Note: Not all of the following points are conducive to everyone nor applicable every day. The point is, we try to be the best we can be. If we repeat anything over time, it simply becomes a habit. Why not move for something positive?
Source: Uploaded by user via Whitney on Pinterest
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Ed: Brianna Bemel
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