May 13, 2013

5 When-Life-Gets-Bumpy Affirmations. ~ Stacey Huard

Photo: William A. Clark

Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a situation or time in your life where you felt you had no control?

I was having one of these moments—well more like one of those years—when I finally realized that my own resistance was my biggest hurdle.

After a good heart-to-heart with my inner self and vow of surrender to the bigger picture, I wrote the following affirmations.

Use them whenever you feel like you have taken a wrong turn or have hit a wall. With a little trust, you may just find that the wall was placed there for your own protection, or that all you have to do is take a short walk around. By releasing the resistance of my own will, I opened to a connection, a shift that allowed for a magnificence that had been shining in the background to finally be seen. It is my intention that these affirmations will serve you in a similar manner.


I accept my current view of my reality as a limited perspective and am now allowing myself to become the witness.

As I enter the role of spectator, I am able to see the greatness of my life and through this recognition all things that bring about a sense of contentment expand.

Through this expansion the acceptance of my life is embraced with loving arms.

I welcome this life and share my gratitude everyday by being present in the moment.


The strength within me is limitless.

The power within is connected to a source with infinite access to possibility.

I am aware of my own boundless force, a force that has been calling to me my whole life.

I release doubt with a loving heart and embrace my wants and dreams as manifestations beginning to unravel.

As my trust is grows I allow the reality of my desires to unfold.


I am safe and secure in this world.

The power within me has the potential to ring in the joy I have longed for.

This joy is on its way and I can feel in this moment as bubbles rippling through my body.

As it moves from the center of my being to my periphery I feel energized, light and connected to all that exists.


I am filled with a great sense of purpose through the acts of love and compassion.

I have value because I am here.

My power is my beauty and my beauty is my light.


I am filled with calm resonating throughout my entire being.

I am safe and secure, as my place within this world is only my illusion, for if I knew the truth I would never doubt the protection offered and available to me.

As I begin to accept this protection, I release all need to clench or grasp onto old beliefs that no longer serve me.

I acknowledge my beauty, my power and my light, as this sensation becomes my only truth.

I am surrounded and protected always with a feeling of calm that encircles and grows with every leap into faith, every leap into my true self.

Whether your circumstance has been brought about due to divine protection or to nudge you towards a new path, be sure to enjoy the scenery wherever you are.

May your path be lit with the radiance of your own inner wisdom and when it starts to dim, because it may, remind yourself once again of your limitless strength and divinely guided purpose. Through this acceptance may you allow the joy of a thousand suns to shine into your being, gracing all you meet along your way.


Stacey Huard, registered nurse, yoga teacher, aspiring writer and nutrition geek. With much support and courage I made a decision to fully embrace this big, beautiful, radiant life and commit my work towards the journey of sharing how we feed all the layers of who we are in an act of self-love. Many blessings have lead me where I am and it is my intention to shine light on the miraculous being that you are.




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Ed: K.Macku/Kate Bartolotta

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