May 20, 2013

Moonbeam Repair. {Poem} ~ Anita Brown

Broke, my own barely-beating heart
Went unnoticed
Let alone fatal.

Pain endured then absorbed, changing its shape
Until it appeared—a floating disconnect.

Once full and impervious,
Two halves forming the whole,
Self-righteous and solid,
Closed to the light,

Suddenly cracked and imperfect, at the ready
For the outpouring of emotion
Tumbling through tumult.

At the ready for the laser-bright white beam
Through half-slit eyes
Travels through eternity
To pierce my chest
And fills the cracks like mortar,
A healing, translucent balm.
And now by osmosis
Gives and receives
The blood-red agape love
Worthy of the creator,
Of the moon and stars
And earth and sky.



Anita is a content mother of two teenagers and wife of 20 years, both of which she is grateful for every day. She began writing poetry in the fall of 2012 after a mini-breakdown cracked open her heart and allowed this newly found gift to shine through. Many months later, she is realizing the truth in the saying that ‘breakdown equals spiritual awakening’ as she is pleasantly shocked at how much more peace she has in her spirit and how that is reflected in her life.  Anita loves yoga, dancing, traveling, cooking, walking her golden Sierra, and quiet evenings at home. She especially enjoys teaching meditation to under-served communities and listening to others as they express the same joy at the transformation occurring from such simple but regular practice.


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Ed: B. Bemel

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