May 2, 2013

The Most Beautiful Example of Unconditional Love. {Video}

“When you look into your mother’s eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth.” ~ Mitch Albom, For One More Day

I remember the first time I looked into my mother’s eyes, and saw her most beautiful spirit. The way she smiled back to me, made me feel as if the whole world was right there in the glint of her eyes. And, that no matter where this path in life may carry me—in her eyes I could see she would always be just right here waiting for me.

Mothers have a special kind of love that knows no limits…no fear…nor boundary.

From that very first scrape, to the most grueling of life’s heartbreaks—rest assured she will always be there to share with us this most cherished, and never-ending gift of her love.

In this most heartwarming video, a young man known only to us as IcarusSoar—shares with us this most beautiful birthday gift to his Mom.

“I realize birthdays are a tradition and that tradition dictates that one should celebrate their existence on the day on which they were born every year. However for me, my life has always been about what I can do for those around me. So for the last two and half years I’ve been saving my money, hoping to do right by a very special woman in my life. I know a lot of my friends wanted me to go out, to celebrate, but this for me is far greater then any gift/party I can hope for.”

When asked how he was able to save so much with such little means, he replied,

“When there is a goal you truly want to reach, all the other things in your life begin to work around it. [It’s] just a matter of choices.”

I believe it’s a Mother’s love that can help us to achieve just about anything.

Thank you, IcarusSoar for sharing with us this day—the most amazing gift of unconditional love.

Video: Dear Mother



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