May 24, 2013

Urban Outfitters is a Commie-Loving Republican-owned USA Flag Desecrator, and So are We.

So if you know flag protocol you know the US flag shouldn’t be on clothing (or chairs, blankets) period. It should never touch the ground. The flag shouldn’t be left up at night without a light. It should face the right way. It’s a matter of respect for the fundamental and best values therein.

That said, I’m running the BolderBoulder, and I wanted to wear a bandana or tanktop or some such with the stars and stripes. It’s Memorial Day.

So I pop by Urban Outfitters, which is GOP-owned (you remember the GOP’s obsession with respecting the flag, flag-burning, in the 90s? Obsession by GOP). But whatever. So I find a perfect shirt and check to see where it’s made, figuring it’s Made in China, the bastards. No label up top, or on the price tags. I open it up and tucked on the inside is Made in China. The bastards. I expected it, so I let go and move on.

I find shorts, USA flag. Made in Philippines. I find a tank, Made in Honduras. I find another shirt, Made in Mexico. I’m cracking up, and not with happiness. I find a gorgeous bandana, perfect, Made in Vietnam. I find a few more items.

Why doesn’t the GOP get obsessed with making USA flags and paraphernalia in the US? Why don’t we all care about fair labor, or eco materials, or our morals and our dollars? Maybe we do.

So don’t just boycott: buycott: support only products that in some way, at the minimum, reflect who you are.

Happy ending: on the recommendation of a friend, I went to AA (I never shop, so forgot about ’em) and got a bunch of USA stuff…made in the good ol’USA, fair labor.

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