June 29, 2013

Nature Wow Photo of the Day.

One Simple Tip: How to Save Endangered Animals Species, & Nature, & stop Climate Change, & save ourselves.

Animals can survive

Nature can thrive

—to the precise extent that we value something, we will make room for it in our human-dominated ecosystem—

The more we decide to value animals, and Nature, the stronger, healthier and more fun our ecosystem, and future, will be.


Doubleclick on photo for HUGE:

When the white man arrived in America, there were an estimated 60 million bison.

We shot them for fun, sometimes while sitting on trains, not even stopping to collect the meat.

We shot them to deprive the Red Man of their food supply.

We shot them because we didn’t value them.

Suddenly, there were 541 left at their lowest point, in 1890.

Today, there are 530,000 bison, 200,000 of which are in Canada, 300,000 in the US and a few thousand in Mexico.

Only 30,000 wild bison survive in the wild or in sanctuaries.

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