June 24, 2013

The Body as the Path Through Depression.

Hell is a state of alienation from the power of Being that substantiates life, God.

This is experienced as depression. Essentially, depression is a state of separation from the body. The body is the temple. It is the house of God. So, a life alienated from the body is a life devoid of meaning.

When working with depression, the emphasis should always be placed on the body. This emphasis is contemplation, which means “that which is done in the temple.” You will have to will your way through the laziness and sit. It is tough. You have to sit with diligence, coming back over and over again to the immediacy of the body.

As for the torment of depression, you must consent. There are no detours on this journey. You have to bring your awareness into the depression and be with it. Then something magical happens: Depression becomes a gateway to the body.

The body emerges from behind the fog of depression, as if depression was nothing more than a distant echo of our innate vitality. This vitality is the basic goodness that endows all of creation, even hell.

Here is the deal: Life is going to unfold regardless of my attitudes and opinions. I’ll never be asked for permission. So, the fact that it is happening is beyond you or I. But the position I take, in relationship to this process of expansion, is my responsibility.

The presence of this responsibility in our heart is the condition that necessitates free will.

I choose whether I will consciously participate in the expansion of my life or not. This is the only question we are ever asked: Where are you? Once we accept our journey as a mandate, we see that the world is born within our body—every moment of every day. We see life through the lens of disconnection, depression, and frustration. Or we see the whole of creation pouring forth from the goodness in our heart.

“It is life or death, so choose, and I put both before you.” ~ Matisyahu


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Ed: Sara Crolick

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