How Sharing your Story Could Change the World.
Dear readers,
Last week I published this article about the recent filibuster in Texas by Senator Wendy Davis and Governor Rick Perry’s subsequent reaction.
I’ve long thought about the abortion issue and have always been saddened by how we are either shouting at each other or not talking about it at all.
There is a whole facet to the issue that we don’t address—namely, the stories of the men and women who have had direct experience with abortion.
It’s a big deal to many, and yet we almost never talk about what it really means to have one, what consequences are met, what the experience is like or how it feels to face a choice like that. And yet, it’s happening across the country every single day.
We don’t speak about the debate as if it involves real people. Instead, we say it’s right or wrong and close the door. But I think we need to keep the door open and listen to the stories of the women and men involved. If we can suspend judgement and soften, that’s where transformation happens.
The choice to have or not have an abortion is one that may affect a woman for the rest of her life. No matter what the reason behind it, just because a child isn’t wanted doesn’t mean it isn’t grieved for. And sometimes, it’s not grieved for. Either way, the story is important.
So I would like to ask you to share your stories with me. I’d like to know if you’ve had an abortion and what it’s meant to you. I’d like to know your experiences—good or bad. You can share as much or as little as you’d like. Also feel free to be creative, and step outside the writing medium.
Once I hear from you, I plan to compile the stories and share them (anonymously if preferred) with the community. Consider it an open space for us to talk about something that affects many, but which isn’t given a proper outlet.
If you choose to share, know that it will be done in confidence and with the utmost care. You can send your submissions to by August 15th, 2013.
To make a change, awareness and full examination are always the first steps. Thanks in advance for your trust and vulnerability.
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Ed: B. Bemel
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