July 13, 2013

Real Time Astral Diaries: Fear of Losing Control. ~ Sean Kelly

As beautiful as the divine human body is, when you see the other realities, you realize death is the reward.


The Astral Diaries is a real time series brought to you by The Lucid Academy. This is the 2nd part in my series of reflections on Agama Yoga Thailand’s first Yoga Nidra and Lucid Dreaming Workshop with Swami Vivekananda Saraswati. Produced by Agama Yoga Thailand and The Lucid Academy. I offer my daily reflections, insights and expertise.

Visit the first in this mini series here. 


The Dream Within the Dream: Notes from Swami Vivekananda Saraswati

You do not necessarily find wisdom if you are just exploring endless astral worlds. This is just horizontal exploration. It does not necessarily lead anywhere. Yet, you can find Akashic Records, or The Astral Library, and be a genius.

This will not show you the way out of samsara, it will just make you run in circles. Horizontal exploration is not the way to freedom. You can go higher.

You can use astral projection as a trampoline to spring board you further up into higher levels of consciousness. You can go further up with your spiritual quest, and not be diverted horizontally to exploring the astral world curiously like a cat.

The astral body is an eye opener to the next levels. As beautiful as the divine human body is, when you see the other realities, you realize death is the reward.

With yoga of the clear light you discover that the body is an illusion of a different degree. The physical illusion, and the astral illusion, are different by a matter of degree. They are only a dream within a dream, but which is the dream within the dream?

The clear light represent the divine nature. It is called The Buddha Nature. That shines through in the phenomenon of sleep. The yoga of clear light has the rare potential to shine through right when you fall asleep.

This moment is called the hiatus. The hiatus is like the universe blinks for a moment. The hiatus is the divine consciousness. You get a glimpse of it when you fall asleep. When you feel like you are falling in sleep is the hiatus. Your brain is confused.

Your first reaction is that you are weightless. If you were aware when that occurs then a clear light would flash. If you could catch that second, then you could look in the eyes of god.

It is a transition.  To be aware in your sleep you have to use the power of suggestion.

Make a commitment in your mind to acknowledge you are dreaming before you fall asleep.  Fall asleep with a purpose. Point the arrow don’t just shoot in the dark. Theoretically, everyone should fall asleep with a purpose.

There is a rebellion inside of you deterring you. Man is his own worse enemy. We shoot ourselves in the foot all the time.

We need perseverance.

Five minutes before you go to sleep prepare for the astral launch. It is a matter of surpassing your own existential category, passing your karmic limitations. If you succeed, you are a very special person.


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Assistant ed: Catherine Monkman

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