Someone just paid me the highest compliment and I want to share it with you.
They just sent me a video of a singer that was so popular in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s and they said, “She reminds me of you. Her ethereal nature and then the paradox of intense earthiness and sexuality, plus her incredible honesty and integrity.”
She was spot on when she described me. She got me!
In any event, this blog is about allowing your sexiness to come back.
I am not talking about with men, bullsh*tting your way through life, wearing the right clothes, being handsome, smooth talking or facelifts.
And I am not talking about women having to wear push up bras, getting facelifts or wearing high heels.
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Sexiness comes from within. You can’t buy it. You can’t make it and you can’t copy it. It’s an amazing lust for life, aliveness, enjoying your body and not shutting it down.
It’s being able to experience yourself as your own lover; sexiness is falling in love with who you are. It’s a sense of confidence when you walk into a room.There is no need for someone to tell you how wonderful you look, you just know it. You aren’t dependent upon the latest fashions, you take care of yourself and you know who you are.
And it’s not about youth; sexiness is at any age.
It’s not being afraid of being authentic. It’s not about being thin, having the best body, having the best abs. You just know when a man or a woman is confident in who they are. They don’t even have to say a word, it’s in their body language.
For some reason, I have noticed that many good looking men feel the need to show themselves half-clothed in many of their photos. I guess they think they are impressive and sexy, but that is a turnoff for me, as is women showing naked photos of themselves.
Hey, where is the mystery? Let the man or woman find out for themselves, get to know you, get to want to just be around you, and of course enjoy your nakedness, and want you for totally you.
If you are freaky sexually—more power to you! I am not here to judge what anyone does in the privacy of their own space, just as long as you are enjoying one another, and not hurting one another.
Do your thing and allow your realness to come through; there’s no telling what magical things can happen.
And don’t make promises you cannot keep—that is not sexy.
Again: be genuine, be real, allow your excitement for life to come through. That’s sexy and bringing your sexy back.
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Assist Ed: Julie Garcia/Ed: Bryonie Wise
{Photo: Marie-Hélène Arnaud by Georges Dambier for Elle, June1952 via Pinterest}
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