July 28, 2013

The Art of Climbing. {A Beautiful Short}

Art requires devotion.

One of the most beautiful videos on adventure on all of vimeo.

“The climbers are up there battling it out; pushing through physical and mental challenges far from the eyes of the world.”

A beautiful, human view into the wild world of the adventure community.

On Assignment from renan ozturk on Vimeo.

From Renan: As a climber sometimes our biggest job is to try to do justice to the amazing stories of our friends and peers. For this piece I worked with our crew at camp4collective.com to tell thenorthface.com athlete Jimmy Chin’s jimmychin.com story as he in turn highlights modern day climbing in Yosemite for a National Geographic feature story.

It seemed so serendipitous to be ‘on assignment’ in a place that we all cut out teeth as adventurers and which also ended up becoming the namesake of our collective!

As always, thanks for tuning in! ~reo


Bonus: A fun, hip video to help beginners feel less intimidated to try climbing/bouldering: 


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