Breathe Deeply
Keep your head up, they say
Wouldn’t that put a lot of strain on my neck?
Have an open mind, I’m reminded
What if bad ideas and bird droppings fall in there?
Take a chance, I’m encouraged
Could I bear the repercussions?
Dream large, he tells me
What if I never wake up?
Take a hike, she yells
Not likely in the area I’m from…will the subway do?
Do they actually take visitors?
Be the bigger person, I’m advised
But then I won’t fit into my jeans
Focus on your school work, they repeat
Am I allowed to take a break to go to the bathroom?
Love your life, everyone says
Will it love me back?
Breathe deeply, the yogi informs me
In this crazy world, I’m simply trying to remember to breathe at all.
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Ed: Sara Crolick
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