September 4, 2013

Let’s Get Cliterate: One Woman’s Mission to Educate the World.

“The clitoris is not a button, it’s an iceberg.”

New York-based artist Sophia Wallace is on a mission to educate the nation (and the world) about the oft-ignored female sex organ, the clitoris.

It’s an uncomfortable topic for many, but one that deserves our attention.

To raise awareness of the clitoris, its anatomical proportions and cultural importance, she is producing street art, a clothing line and even “clit rodeos.” According to the article about the artist and her project in The Huffington Post:

“One of the most fascinating of Wallace’s “100 Laws” references the story of a French doctor named Pierre Foldes who, thanks to recent research into the anatomy of the clitoris, came up with a method of repairing the damage caused by female genital mutilation. By removing scar tissue from the vulva and lowering—and revealing—a portion of the internal clitoris, he has been able to restore pleasure to thousands of women who have been circumcised.

Until recently, Foldes is believed to have been the only doctor in the world who was carrying out this particular surgery. More doctors have since adopted his methods.

Not only is the project for everyone (“I love seeing men standing up for the clit,” Wallace says, adding that this is a conversation that liberates people of all genders), but she says that the clitoris can be seen as a “metaphor for freedom, body sovereignty and citizenship.”

“Cliteracy is about not having one’s body controlled or legislated,” she said. “Not having access to the pleasure that is your birthright is a deeply political act.”

“To me, this has always been about a bigger conversation. It’s about breaking down walls.”



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Ed: Bryonie Wise

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