Need a Swift Kick in the Butt?
This current cycle of improvement (on some levels) is creating more than its fair share of a stir. It is inspiring, motivating, revolutionizing and giving society one opportunity after another to get it right.
Well, what is “getting it right” exactly? There is no definitive answer for me.
It’s more of an,
“Okay, today is such a good day; the stars are brilliant, my body feels good, I cooked and ate some quality healthy food, I tried to pet all the dogs that passed me by and I had two or more rounds of green tea.
I got in touch with some of my nearest and dearest women, took more forward steps in this amazing dynamic with my man, wrote a ton and I spontaneously threw down a muscle workout in my apartment with nothing more than a fit ball and some 8 lb. weights.
I wrote again (this time in my journal), I finally showered after sitting with my sweaty self for hours at the computer and finally, I concocted some mix of coconut water and black cherry juice—so good”.
This is getting it right for me. This is my balancing act.
By no means is it fancy. It probably seems a bit boring. But, it is my way of letting go, lightening up, and making things happen. When I have these simple pleasures, everything seems to be in alignment, and it is easier to flow.
I forgot to mention home yoga and meditation. That is my dedication, more than part of “getting it right”, although it facilitates the letting go, the lightening up, and the making things happen. No doubt about it.
Basically, I’m being the lead dog in my own story. It is a simple recipe: let one action feed the other, and allow your intuition to guide you.
So, here is what I feel will be beneficial to your overall success.
1. Let go.
As simple as these two words lumped together seem, letting go is probably the most difficult emotion or “task” to pursue. It requires clarity. It demands patience. It might even get on your nerves. There might be several days or even weeks where you feel entrenched in “stuff”. This would even be a good time for a yoga retreat or a spa weekend.
Summon up all that unmistakably truly awesome power and surrender. Yes, surrender.
There is no sugar-coating here. Let go of the anger, the resentments, the ego, the “I am right” mentality, the “I can’t” thoughts, the authority and all sense of reason. Just let it go. Miracles happen when you let go. One opportunity after another starts showing up. In career, in love, in life. It is very cool, indeed.
But it isn’t always easy, as we hang onto so many past behaviors, our comfort zones of safety, and victimization of self. Stagnation leads to boredom. Get out of your rut. Free up your heart. Free up your space to allow beautiful people and life to astound you. Breathe. Let it go. Phew….
2. Lighten up!
These are some rather crazy and revolutionary times, with pending wars, people speaking their truths, emotions bubbling up all over the place, those seeking the answers to their lives, rulers wanting to lay down the law (this goes for the work place too!), too much violence and conflict between people, nature and authority.
Lighten up, already! When I have been getting in my own way, I have to laugh about it. A real good belly laugh till my gut hurts. So much so that tears are streaming down my face. This lightens me up. And, a good dose of “Modern Family” or “The Colbert Report” always helps!
Shake things up a bit. Do something different-from the ridiculous to the eccentric, to the complete 360 degrees on what you had originally planned. Throw away the plan. Toss aside holding your ground. Lose the stubborn behavior keeping you stagnant in life. Have some fun!
Just lighten up! Love others with your whole self. Get out from behind the mask and be silly and crazy and misunderstood. What a relief you will feel when you take smiling and laughter to a whole different level!
3. Make things happen—it’s that easy.
Have a dream. See that dream every single day in whatever way you choose. Meditate on that dream. Write down that dream to the very last detail. Daydream about that dream. These are those visionary tactics that tend to elude even the best of us.
We get so wrapped up in a cacophony of voices inside our heads steering us in a direction that isn’t true to our authentic self.
Revolutionary leaders who have graced our presence over hundreds of years talk about the dream, then go and live it. It is action. Make things happen in your life. If you know the dream and see the dream, your physical being will eventually act on that dream. It never fails you.
So what if you make mistakes!
At least you tried. If you share that dream with your partner, both of you will take steps to make it happen. You will be on the same page. Two people in love who have a vision and conspire together to make it happen: bliss and blessing.
I’ve come to realize that a swift kick in the butt works wonders for me. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
Being embroiled in some seriously emotional wonderment has led me to make the dream happen. I am in this with another. I choose to participate in this crazy thing called “life.”
Open your hearts and allow the vision to take hold. Then, go do it.
Nothing is holding you back any more. Learn the hard way. Be compassionate with those loved ones in your inner circle. Hold them in love and light. We are all finding our way.
Let go. Lighten up. Make things happen.
Simply saying these three simple phrases brings profound joy to my being! Love, love, and some more love. That is all.
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Ed: Catherine Monkman
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