October 16, 2013

13 Simple, Everyday Ways to Do Yoga (Besides Asana).

My mission this month is to widen the definition of yoga.

Asana kicks ass, but there are plenty of other easy ways to bring yoga off the mat and into our daily lives.

Here are 13 suggestions:

1. Do a bit of walking meditation.

2. Cook a meal for someone.

Ideally vegetarian or vegan. Special ingredient: love.

3. Volunteer in your community.

Be a karma yogi. It feels good to help others. It’s the ultimate win-win situation.

4. Be an active listener.

Everybody wants to be heard.

5. Study.

Read books. Be a wise, real yogi or yogini.

6. Dance!

7. Write. 

Whether or not you’re a “writer,” everyone can benefit from writing—journal entries, poems, letters, stories, anything really!

8. Smell the flowers.

9. Forgive someone.

10. Go for a run.

Or take a hike. Or a bike ride. (You get the idea.)

11. Lend a helping hand.

Never underestimate the power of a random act of kindness.

12. Look someone in the eyes and say, “I love you.”

Better yet, show it.

13. Sleep with Waylon.

(He is, after all, the sexy, eligible and mindful founder of elephant journal.)

It basically all comes down to mindfulness. “Yoga” is any activity executed with attention, awareness and care.

What others could be added to the list?


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Ed: Sara Crolick

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