October 29, 2013

A Farewell Letter to Doubt. ~ Dominique Youkhehpaz

Dear Doubt,

I’m sorry, but I’ve had enough.

It’s over between us. That’s right, over.

You and I have dragged on this relationship for far too long, and just look at us—we’re a wreck.

Our relationship is just not serving either of us anymore.

It’s not you, it’s me. Or is it you? I don’t know.

I just know I need some space–you’ve been hanging around way too often lately and frankly, you’re suffocating me.

Yes, I know you love my cooking and you’ll miss how well I’ve been feeding you. But honestly, you’ve gained a lot of weight since we’ve been together, and you’ve become a little too heavy for me. It’s time to let you go.

I know we have had our moments together. Those long walks on the beach that never seemed to end. Unforgettable nights in bed together (sometimes we never even made it to the bed from the floor). We’ve always had the kind of conversations that lasted for hours. Days and days where we’d stay up together, intertwined, staring into space, spinning, swirling. I can still feel the linger of your kiss, and it’s intoxicating.

No, it’s never been a problem that you have many other lovers, though I often convinced myself that I was the only one. And even being as busy as you are, you always showed up right on time and gave me all you had when we were together. You would even take me on surprise dates sometimes, and what a wild ride they were!

You’re not who I thought you were–nor are you as bad as you pretend to be. I’ve followed you home before, so I know where you come from. I come from there too. I don’t know why you pretend your home is elsewhere, or why I believed you when you hid the truth from me.

I’ve given up trying to change you by now.

I’m changing.

It’s nothing personal, it’s just that you and I are growing in different directions. Your little games have been cute, but I know better now. I play by my own rules.

And honestly, I’ve started seeing someone new named Faith, and we’re really hitting it off.

I know this break-up won’t be easy. We have had a long history together. It’s likely that we’ll get back together here and there in the future—you know it’s hard for me to resist you when I’m in the mood. When we do see each other again, I’ll just smile and carry on.

I hope you find what you’re looking for, and I know you’d wish the same for me.

Well, it’s been one hell of a time together, but this is for the best.

I’ve got to go now—Faith is knocking

With no regrets,


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Assist Ed: Gabriela Magana/Ed: Sara Crolick

{photo: courtesy of Drew Coffman}

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Dominique Youkhehpaz