October 28, 2013

Into the Arms of Yoga. ~ Erica Turck {Poem}

Morning comes

I awake inside this slow motion bubble

I have a cup of coffee,

pull myself together,

and walk out the door to suddenly be thrown into societal overdrive

My brain is the earth

My chemicals the humans


my earth is not spinning at a constant rate,

and the forces of acceleration are constantly throwing these poor people around

No wonder they call it a chemical imbalance

I hope I don’t disappoint when I say that this is not a story of a woman who has battled and defeated her demons

I have no cure all advice for the war on emotions

The truth is I’m in over my head

Hopefully wandering and fighting to create balance and peace of mind

So I run into the arms of yoga

I surrender my whole being onto my mat

With each inhale I breathe in present moment

I am given new life

The first few exhales are heavy

I struggle to let go of past memory and future expectation

As my hamstrings begin to unwind in forward bend,

and the first rush of blood warms my face,

the physical world aggregates dissipate

All I am

All I feel

Is soul energy

By the time I lean into prasarita padottanasana I am cured of anxiety and sadness

The world makes sense to me while I’m hanging upside down

I can’t imagine myself being anywhere else

Here is where I gather ammunition of strength and hope to carry with me off the mat

I extend my arms overhead in tree pose

Abandoning the false beliefs that I am undeserving of love

I spread my fingers wide and open my heart to the universe

For the next 90 minutes I dance through the asanas

Focusing only on breath and movement

Mind and body become one

When an external thought surfaces

I acknowledge it, accept it, let it go, and carry on.

My practice is still there waiting for me with open arms when I check back in

Savasana comes to an end

As I bring my awareness back to the physical world I am filled with light and gratitude

I know this is temporary

Tomorrow I will again struggle to make my way to the mat

I’m okay with that though,

because in the dark moments I am reminded of the light and clarity,

no matter how brief,

I am given every day

In an instant this slow motion bubble will burst

When that time comes I will look to the sky,


and dance in my freedom

Knowing that it was in me all along

Until then I will run into the arms of yoga

I bow and surrender my entire being with faith that I am being healed

I bow to my teachers

Eternally Grateful


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Assistant Ed: Karissa Kneeland/Ed: Sara Crolick

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