October 31, 2013

Magic Moon Beams. ~ Kristen Hess {Poem}

Magic Moon Beams

celestial energies align

your potent presence bridges the horizon line

rising beyond limits once defined

clarity sets in

the world becomes still

clouds melt away with intent to unveil

expansive awareness and boundless potential

shapes shifting

mind stretching

heart overflowing

dreams within dreams, fluidly manifest

the cosmic muse, a welcomed guest

eyes fall upon a shimmering mirror

every step, every movement has carried me here

emotions dancing to the rhythms of tides

this sweet ethereal expression take me for a ride

trusting its gravity

blessing its levity

Clear Skies Moon Rise

you thread truth up through,

down in and ever beyond this

stitch in time

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Assist Ed: Sanja Cloete-Jones/Ed: Bryonie Wise

{image via Wikimedia Commons}


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Kristen Hess