October 30, 2013

Raw Vegan Raspberry and Chocolate Cheesecake Recipe. ~ Jules Galloway

Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Cane Sugar Free

This amazing raw cheesecake is actually very easy to make. It’s full of healthy ingredients that provide “good oils,” fiber, B vitamins and magnesium, without any gluten, dairy, soy or cane sugar. So it’s not just a yummy guilt free treat, it’s also good for you!


1 cup almonds

1 cup dessicated coconut

12 dried dates

a little coconut oil for greasing the tin


250g cashews

1/2 cup coconut oil

2 cups raspberries

1/3 cup coconut nectar (you can use agave or rice malt syrup if you prefer)


100g cacao butter

1 1/2 tbsp coconut nectar

2 heaped tbsp cacao powder

1 tsp vanilla extract (make sure you use one that’s sugar free)

Let’s do this!

Pop your almonds, desiccated coconut and dates into a high speed blender and blend on a low speed until the mixture becomes slightly sticky. You want it to hold together when you press a small amount between your thumb and forefinger.

Press into the base of an 8 inch/20cm springform tin which has been lightly greased with coconut oil.

Next, put the cashews into your blender and blend on a low to medium speed until they have become a nut butter consistency.

Add the rest of the filling ingredients and mix on a medium speed until smooth and silky.

Pour cheesecake mix into the springform tin and refrigerate either overnight or until set. Or if you’re in a hurry, you can just freeze it for a couple of hours.

For the top, grate your cacao butter into a small bowl and then melt gently over a small saucepan of simmering water (this is called a double boiler). For your dessert to still be considered 100% raw, do not heat above 115 degrees fahrenheit/46 degrees celcius (keep checking with a food thermometer). It takes a little longer this way, but the cacao butter will still melt.

Once your cacao butter is melted, whisk in the coconut nectar, cacao powder and vanilla extract.

Decorate the top of your cheesecake with the chocolate, then pop it back in the fridge to set.

Hint: If you have any chocolate topping mix leftover, pour onto a tray that has been lined with baking paper and refrigerate. Once hardened, it can be broken into shards to use when decorating another dessert. Or just eat it on its own. Yum!


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Ed: Dana Gornall

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