October 20, 2013

The Church of Nature. {Poem} ~ Anita Brown

Will you think of me?

Will you think of me
When you first step on the verdant, green earth again
Yielding to her rich submersion
Enriched by and on terra firma
With your newly sweetened soul
As if the bees could
Gather your nectar into honey?

Will you think of me
When you greet the starry night
An astral gaze at the clouds
Worshiping a crescent moon?

Will you think of me
Basking under a blazing sun
Allowing its warmth to kindle your inner flame?

Will you think of me
As you acknowledge the magic in the mist
Or the music in the breeze
As you sit and notice the tears pricking your eye
Because of your new connectivity?

Will you think of me
When the river calls your name
And orates like a sanctuary
Overflowing with promise
And curiosity for the next unfolding?

Will you think of me
Because nature has become your church?

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Assist Ed: Michelle Margaret/Ed: Sara Crolick

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