October 6, 2013

Vibration is Creation. ~Daniel Barnes

Source via Lizzy on Pinterest

Just because we cannot see the wind, this does not mean it is not there.

~ Ken Wilber

Life is divine by design, and so are you and I.

The fundamental law of vibration states that everything in the universe is in flux. Everything in existence—whether it is solid, liquid or gas—is made up of light and energy which are constantly moving and vibrating. This synergy between intent and vibration is the bridge between matter and spirit.

Ayurvedic texts convey that the source was pure consciousness, or Prakruti, who had the will to manifest himself through primordial sound, mantra and language.

Prakruti is associated with the sixth and seventh chakras which are not on this earth but are antecedents of the five elements, five senses and five chakras.

7th chakra (Crown)

Bliss, grace, beauty, serenity and universal oneness are characteristics associated with the divine mind.

Vowel: Eee
Mantra: Aum

Aum is the one eternal primordial syllable of all that exists and has ever existed.

~ Mandukya Upanishad

6th chakra (Third Eye)

Prakruti had the desire to create. The third eye is characterized by imagination, creation, intuition, rational thought and union of the left and right hemispheres.

Vowel: Aye
Mantra: Aum

From the intention of divine creation, stemming from the top two chakras, followed vibrational energy, thus creating aspects of the physical world. Each vibration aligns with a chakra, a sense, an element and a specific primordial sound.

5th chakra (Throat)

Element: Ether/Space (The vibration/words of desire which through movement of space created air.)
Vowel: Eye
Mantra: Ham
Sense: Hearing, communication, physical expression of creativity

We need our ears to enable speech (vibration). Blockage or fluid build-up in the ears can inhibit the speech function. Deaf people have the inability to speak fluently due to  distorted equilibrium in the ear.

4th chakra (Heart)

Element: Air (The birth of oxygen, movement and friction.)
Vowel: Ah
Mantra: Yam
Sense: Touch, compassion, unity

A loving touch can be given as an indication of support, comfort and consolation when words are insufficient. A hug is a demonstration of affection and emotional warmth that can bring someone into our space and make them feel a human connection and a sense of belonging.

3rd chakra (Solar plexus)

Element: Fire (The movement and friction of air created fire.)
Vowel: Oh
Mantra: Ram
Sense: Sight (Personal power and will)

This gave us the ability to see and perceive light and dark.

2nd chakra (Navel)

Element: Water (As the heated air of fire condensed, it turned into water.)
Vowel : Ooo
Mantra: Vam
Sense: Taste

We literally had a taste for life and started to see our role in the physical world.

1st chakra (Root)

Element: Earth
Vowel: Uh
Mantra: Lam
Sense: Smell (Tribal/family, vitality)

The final stage gave us the ability to procreate and brings it all together. This stage governs the ability to smell pheromones and food.

The highest sense we have is the sense of smell; aromatherapy uses plants, which embody the highest frequency with relation to being closet to the source with the highest potential of pollen.

This chakra is also the seat of kundalini, which rises from the earth up to the heavens.

Words are quite absurd.

In the beginning was the word, this was all that could be heard across the universe.

Siddha Somanomah

These aspects formulate the basis of creation through energetic resonance. As a species, we manifest our intentions or thoughts through the vehicle of speech.

Our words have the ability to bring thought patterns into this world from nowhere. This may be the most powerful apparatus humankind has to offer. Words are tools that have the power to create, destroy, enlighten, harm or heal.

For instance, within our language of words are vowels and consonants. Vowels bring harmony into the body by removing dissonance while consonants localize energy in a specific area.

For example, the primordial sound of the crown chakra (Eee) can be found in the phrases be, dream, breathe; perceive, achieve peace; release, repeat.

Being mindful of our words is the key to creating harmony or afflicting dissonance.

During gestation, we learn words from the universe.

As a species, we create and shape with words, art and, of course, conception. Our first life experience is of sound. In utero, we are adrift in our mother’s inner ocean, weightless. We have no sense of smell or taste. We have our eyes closed and are unable to perceive light.

During week 16, our ears fully develop. Sound travels five times faster through water (or amniotic fluid), making our hearing amplified. The orchestra of sound patterns we perceive during this time will be deeply embedded into our subconscious mind for the rest of our lives.

This is our first experience of primordial sounds. Each of the seven stages has a primordial sound; using these while pregnant can help to remove dissonance from the physical, spiritual and psychological growth of our infants.

By eliminating dissonance from our energy field and raising harmonic balance, we can bring a new level of creation into our initial level of molecular generation.

The technique for using primordial sounds is simple. Experiment with them all for a few days (eye, ah, oh, ooo, uh). One will feel better than the others, so choose a sound that feels good for you and apply the following steps.

Step 1: Find a place where you feel warmth and love to move into your own sacred space.

Step 2: Use the chosen vowel to heal yourself with visualization, intention and mindful manifestation. Using intention, attach the feeling of healing while saying the chosen vowel either aloud or in your mind. Visualize this sound with healing intent.

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Assistant Ed.: Michelle Margaret/Ed.: Bryonie Wise

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Daniel Barnes