November 3, 2013

Clandestine Bodhisattva: Job Description for Awakened Hearts. ~ Adithya Raghunathan

We are seeking unlimited clandestine bodhisattvas for immediate employment in the universe.

We don’t know how many we have already hired, since they’ve gone undercover, but we know we have space for more. Our mission is simple: Support all beings to be connected and free from fear. Our method is simple:

Enlighten yourself.

Here are a few requirements for the job:


Must collaborate with more than seven billion humans and an infinity of non-human beings.

You are a great allow-er. You allow the light and shadows in you, in loved ones, in strangers, in animals. You take the space you need to thrive, no more, no less. You support those all around you to take what they need to function in their highest purpose. You facilitate awakening, quietly, magically, by accepting everything. You no longer feel the flow, you are the flow. There is no more a war between parts of yourself, there is only a single self, with a divine purpose.


You are present to the infinite beauty of every moment.

This is a generous gift to yourself and others, but you find it the only sensible way to be. Hearing beyond the words you hear, you listen to the painful story hiding behind. With the most exquisite compassion, you see in this pain our universal trauma. You own it in yourself, and mourn it for all, so that humankind may grow up. When it gets overwhelming, you replenish yourself, meditating until you inevitably remember your true nature is infinite.

Divining Bod

You diligently aim to see the spark of divinity in all beings around you, whether they see it or not.

You chuckle at how lucky you are, feeling the pulsing holiness in trees, the awkward pause in conversation, the fear of a kitten, the silly thing you just said. You forgive without reckoning, surprising yourself when you can see divinity even in the midst of tense situations with loved ones.

Strangers sense your quiet smile, your fearlessness, your openness to all beings. Illuminated by gazing eyes, one clandestine bodhisattva can uncover another in an instant, connecting soulfully.

Owning your divinity, you relish the magic when a child stares at you, divine looking at divine. Like a child, you love with your eyes: openly, vulnerably, sincerely, and deeply.


There is absolutely no productive work you can do to achieve our mission, in the traditional sense of work. No “help” you can “give” to anyone. All you can do is guide a being to their inner wisdom. And most of the time, you can’t even do that. And yet, you have an indomitable idealism that simply by allowing yourself to unfold, change will happen. You facilitate transcendent experiences for other beings, just by being around, by accident. You’ve burned your to-do list to be free for each moment’s inspiration.

It’s not because you are lazy, you are just galactivated.

Wounded healer

Having felt your pain deeply, you realize that some things never fully heal.

Paradoxically, your wounds are the source of your superpower, the very currency of your compassion. You traded your wounds to see enlightenment and then traded back enlightenment to be a wounded healer. You willingly carry pain in order to empathize with all beings. When a wound obscures a being’s insight, you doggedly remind them of their true nature, not often with words. You quietly hold the divinity for all beings and patiently wait for them to rediscover it.


You extend tremendous patience to yourself, coddling your fears, cradling your insecurities, knowing time heals in sudden, unexpected ways.

Epiphany strikes you like lightning, naming wisdom recently sprouted within you, a product of your non-linear life. Sometimes you get lost. You go unconscious, undercover, even to yourself. You think of petty things. But you forgive neuroses, realizing they are the divine play of your awakening. You reclaim your true nature again and again with grace, allowing your actions to realign with your divine purpose. You embrace the divine mystery hiding behind these twists and turns.


You see that as humans, we are co-creating the society that allows us to feel at home.

As we create this world from nothing, you see the all-pervading emptiness underneath it all. You dissolve duality like a champ. You know that every statement contains its opposite, every life contains death, every truth can only be true in a certain context. You do times tables in your head, and when you divide the earth by the universe, you come up with zero. So it’s important to retain a sense of humor.


You need to be just the right amount of crazy for this role, shedding social conventions, given their inherent emptiness, to perform your duties.

You must skillfully dodge addiction, attachment and incarceration, even though you tread in dangerous places. You dance as if your life depended on it. You play like it’s your job, challenging those around you to think. You are constantly surrendering to the divine comedy we act in. You are just insane enough to honor your body and its impulses, to see divinity all around you, but just sane enough to empathize with all of human experience.


It’s not a race against, but a journey together.

You celebrate the achievements, worldly or spiritual, of those around you. You no longer have use for jealousy, it’s a spoiled fruit long past it’s shelf life. You are a utilitarian that believes in the maximizing the public good, but a wise one. You recognize that the path forward can involve some steps backward. You patiently wait as your path and humanity’s path are revealed. Until then, your responsibility is feeling mystical rapture for all things around you.

The celebration needs not end.


Application requirements:

1) Decide, from this moment on, that every moment is holy.

2) Clarify your ultimate purpose: to enlighten yourself in support of all beings.

3) Connect to the world around you. Find peace in yourself, and radiate it outwards.


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Assistant Editor: Gabriela Magana / Editor: Catherine Monkman

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Adithya Raghunathan