December 6, 2013

To Be Happy, Serve Others: 5 Simple Karma Yoga Ideas.

Karma yoga is selfless service. How did you serve others in 2013? How will you serve in 2014?

This is today’s prompt for #reverb13, a means to reflect on the year that has passed and set intentions for the coming year. You are invited to participate, as privately or publicly as you wish. To share what you’ve written, add a comment. 

Karma yoga isn’t just for the holiday season, but this season is as great a time as any to practice karma yoga—selflessly serving others.

Getting outside of ourselves by offering help to others is a guaranteed way to feel happy. Making others happy makes us happy, too. It’s a most beautiful win-win situation.

1. Offer something to someone for free.

If you’re a yoga teacher, offer a free class or workshop for beginners. If you’re a baker, bake some cookies and go give them to the homeless or poor. If you’re a writer, write a manifesto or essay and offer it to your audience for free.

Get the idea? The possibilities are endless.

2. Donate time and attention.

This can be done through traditional volunteering through a non-profit organization—or by sitting with someone (anyone) and giving them your precious time and presence.

3. Donate money.

It doesn’t have to be a lot. Not all philanthropists are millionaires. A little money goes along way in developing countries.

You can donate a lump sum, or set up your business to donate a certain percentage of your profits to a worthwhile service organization. For example, 10 percent of my e-book proceeds go to Watsi, a global crowdfunding site that provides medical care for people in need.

4. Give stuff away.

Whether it’s to a church charity, Goodwill or directly to someone in need, giving away our used (but still in good condition) clothes, toys and other household items benefits both the giver and the receiver.

5. Plant a tree.

And reduce, reuse and recycle. In other words, be more green. That serves our environment, which serves all beings and Earth itself.


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Editor: Bryonie Wise

Photo: Rosie O’Beirne

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