January 11, 2014

This I Believed. ~ Michelle Margaret {Poem}

I used to believe in heaven above and hell below.

Fate and flawless soul mates.
Manifesting my destination.
Jesus Christ.

I’ve believed in Brahman and Atman and Santa.
Holy Mary, Mother of God.
One Truth, Many Paths.
To each her own.

Now I believe in Life.
What I see and hear and experience.
I believe what I read—sometimes.
I’ll believe what you tell me, if it’s true.
I strive to release those dearest beliefs clutched close.
Still, I cherish a few.

Above all: I believe this human birth is precious.

I believe every living being deserves freedom, happiness and health.

I believe anicca can be the vilest enemy or most loyal friend.
(She is flow of constant change; the ceaseless passage of time.)

I believe in magic and miracles, like the ability to be and breathe.

I believe in giving unwrapped gifts of humble kindness and inviting love under the covers with me.

I believe in the infinite supply of creativity in the world and that we are here to inspire and enlighten one another.

I believe in the power of good music and yoga and a warm cup of tea with a friend.


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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: Flickr

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