February 21, 2014

Giving a Whole New Meaning to Oily Discharge & Passing Gas. {Podcast & Video}

green divas

F*cked up fracking, dirty energy leaks and explosions, heated climate change debate, kids’ brains on chemicals…plus some good news.

What side effects can we expect from the incessant gas, oil and chemical spills?

And is it me, or are these dirty energy mishaps happening on a more and more frequent basis?

The good news is that lawmakers are pushing stricter legislation on Capitol Hill that would grant states more oversight power for chemical facilities. Let’s hope they get somewhere with that. Oh, and in WTF news, Chevron gave out free pizza coupons to a community after a recent fire and gas well explosion.

More good news: Climate change has been getting more media attention recently with winter storms across the U.S., California drought (the storms and drought are not-so-good-news) and President Obama’s $2 billion+ pledge for California and the U.S. Climate Resilience Fund (to help prepare communities for consequences of extreme weather events), not to mention the extreme heat in Australia.

And did you hear Newt Gingrich twitter-slapped Secretary of State John Kerry demanding his resignation after Kerry called climate change “perhaps the world’s most fearsome weapon of mass destruction?” Yes, really.

Discouraging news for parents: Researches found six additional chemicals that can hamper normal brain development. These chemicals include manganese and fluoride (found in drinking water); the remaining chemicals are found in solvents and pesticides. No surprise that rates of autism, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and dyslexia have soared in recent years.

Listen to this week’s Green Divas myEARTH360 Environmental News Update:

Catch up on last week’s report here.


Bonus Videos:

Fracking Boom Destroys Texans’ Lives

John Kerry’s Climate Talk:

Your Voice Counts!

Urge Secretary of State John Kerry to stop the #Keystone pipeline by clicking here.

Global Warming—Big Debate Between Bill Nye Versus Joe Bastardi

Adapted from Green Divas myEARTH360 Report: Environmental News Update 2.20.14.


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Editor: Bryonie WIse

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