February 11, 2014

Looking for Meaning. ~ Edith Lazenby

breathe and love

“A deep sense of love and belonging is an irreducible need of all people. We are biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually wired to love, to be loved, and to belong. When those needs are not met, we don’t function as we were meant to. We break. We fall apart. We numb. We ache. We hurt others. We get sick.”

~ Brene Brown

I think we all seek—and I believe no matter who we are we want happiness.

The beauty of humanity lives in how we are all so much alike on the inside and how we express ourselves on the outside, that make us all appear so different.

Given some of us are deeper thinkers and more passionate in how we feel while others stick to surfaces.

In fact, I recently had someone ask if me if the person I know who worked in retail had a real job—I was floored to say the least but kept on with the conversation as if nothing unusual had been said.

My guess is this person wants happiness as much as I do; but I wonder if she can find joy at a deeper level when mired in such judgment.

My point is this person wants happiness as much as I do—and though our values may be different what brings us joy in our lives is similar.

We all want love. We all want to belong.

I am blessed to have a few things in life I do that I love to do: mainly writing, teaching and yoga.

So whether I am alone or sharing my joy these are all things that give me purpose, meaning and a sense of belonging to something bigger than my own desire, need or ego.

I have community in the writing world, in teaching yoga and in practicing yoga.

In AA ,the first step is turning our will and lives over to something greater or bigger than self.

I try to turn my life over to something bigger every day and for me that something bigger is the energy and action of love.

I have a strong faith—call it whatever you like.

What I know today is for me, I find meaning in loving and sharing. I find meaning in belonging. I find meaning in doing what the day asks to feed my heart and spirit.

And as long as I listen in, put my ear to my heart and let her speak through me, to me, I can find some happiness and meet myself in the moment.




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Editor: Bryonie Wise

Photo: Sara Crolick



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