February 27, 2014

Make Today A Happy One.


Make today a happy one.

How? Let me tell you!

First off, stop obsessing over your body. Seriously.

Real happiness comes from pursuing your passion and living your dreams. From connecting with loved ones, from sharing moments of peace.

From being in nature and dancing with your bare feet on the ground.

From staying true to who you are.

Real happiness does not come from the number on a scale! Let me repeat that: real happiness does not come from the number on a scale. 

That’s right. I said it. Real happiness comes from inside. Not from fitting into size four jeans. Not from the reflection in your mirror. It comes from the heart. And frankly, your heart couldn’t care less about what your body looks like!

Let’s focus on more important things today than our conditioned judgement about the shape of our anatomy.



Now, go have a happy day!


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Editor: Bryonie Wise

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