February 18, 2014

Here’s all the Best Writing on Elephant’s “Family” over the last 4 Months.


The Best of Our Ele-pprentices.

You may know by now that every four months, a group of dedicated and talented apprentices spend hours and hours (and hours) with us, learning how to edit, use social media, as well as strengthen their writing skills—and well, help keep elephant up and running.

We’re always a little in love with them—like us, they spend their Saturday nights in front of a screen pouring their heart and soul into words that will (hopefully) be of benefit.

We say this every chance we get: we couldn’t do what we do without them.

So, to each of you: Jane Henderling, Kerrie Shebiel, Melissa Petty, Michelle Margaret, Andrea Charpentier, Bronwyn Petry, J. Daniel Garcia, Jamie Khoo, Jes Wright, Karissa Ostheimer, Kathryn Ashworth, Laura Ashworth, Paige Vignola, Sanja Cloete-Jones and Zenna James…thank you from the bottom of our elephant hearts for sticking with us.

Here are the best of your words from the past four months; may you continue to shine your light brightly.

Jane Henderling: Why I Co-Sleep. 

Kerrie Shebiel: How a Bad Marriage Saved My Life.

Melissa Petty: It’s All Yoga. 

Michelle Margaret: 28 Inspirational Reminders for Crazily Creative People.

Andrea Charpentier: Learning from Good, Bad & Ugly Relationships. 

Bronwyn Petry: She Was Lucky Enough to Live.

J. Daniel Garcia: Bullies with Authority. 

Jamie Khoo: How I Think of You Before We Meet Again.

Jes Wright: 7 Ways to Love a Nature Girl.

Karissa Ostheimer: Life Before Brain Cancer: A Love Affair with the Past.

Kathryn Ashworth: Homo-Empathicus: How We Belong to Each Other. 

Laura Ashworth: Letters to Myself.

Paige Vignola: The Way of the Spiritual Warrior: Live Intentionally.

Sanja Cloete-Jones: The Girl Who Was Not Designed for Love. 

Zenna James: 5 Double Standards Women Face Every Day.

~ With thanks: Waylon Lewis, Lindsey Block, Bryonie Wise, and Rachel Nussbaum

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