March 31, 2014

A Case of the Mondays: Funny E-cards For Hard Workers. {Photos}


Monday mornings.

Do you love ‘em or loathe ‘em?

Are you excited and energized for the impending workweek, ready to tackle the day’s projects and challenges with gusto?

Or would you rather curl up under your warm blankets, wishing it would all just go away?

Whatever your stance on Mondays, you will find the trials and travails of this much-maligned day are much lessened when approached with a sense of humor.

While this compilation of delightfully sarcastic e-cards may not completely restore your sense of Zen regarding your job, they do address those common work-related complaints and annoyances.

Do any of these office peccadillos sound familiar: a lunchtime Instagramer, a coworker who does creepy office calisthenics or the fact that you seem to be having the same meeting over and over?

Never fear!

Enjoy these e-cards, get laughing and get ready for Tuesday!

e card e card e card e card e card e card e card e card e card e card pleasure-working-workplace-ecard-someecards 



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Editor: Rachel Nussbaum

Photo: someecards

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