March 31, 2014

Fracking Map of the USA.

fracking map usa

Map: Fracking in the USA.

Every Fracking Well in 47 of the 48 continental United States of #Murica (you can click and zoom on your county) here:  

Interactive and more detailed map here (you can zoom in on where you live). 

Detail: this is where I live, in “green” Boulder, Colorado, where citizens (also and even more in Longmont) have fought fracking (and our “Democratic” Governor, who supports fracking).

“Areas where America’s 1.1 million oil and gas wells, both conventional and hydraulically fractured, are found are highlighted in orange. Texas, where many of the wells are concentrated, is excluded because FracTracker was unable to publish data from the state.”
Click image to enlarge: Credit: FracTracker.org

“Researchers at FracTracker, an independent oil and gas research group that started as a mapping project at the University of Pittsburgh’s Center for Healthy Environments and Communities, analyzed oil and gas well location data for all 50 states and created a map…” 


For much more: 

Fracking Sucks! Waylon Lewis talks with Josh Fox of Gasland fame.

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