April 15, 2014

Belonging. {Poem} ~ Julie Tallard Johnson

tree lake forest girl nature wade

Two cranes rise out of the creek,

heading southeast
calling out their farewell and their salutations.

I want them to land in our pond
but they keep going.

Like an end of a circle
the sound of coming and going
are one and the same.

Always leaving to arrive
Always arriving to leave.

This is what Belonging sounds like—
the calling out of the cranes
as they pass.

This is what Belonging feels like
the longing to follow
while one stays.

The cranes land somewhere out of sight and sound.

And all this must bring me happiness
the passing of their call
the distance of where their beauty rests.

A moment of grace with you.


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Apprentice Editor: Andrea Charpentier/Editor: Rachel Nussbaum
Photos: Pixoto

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Julie Tallard Johnson