April 1, 2014

“I find this curious—two photos from today, one edited so my skin is perfect & one real. Remember flaws are okay.” ~ Lorde

Relephant Reads: > More attractive without make up? [photos]

Supermodels without Makeup. [photos]

Cause: more toxins in everyday environment. Effect: cancer rates continue to climb for men & women. Answer: do not use conventional make-up or bodycare. [Summer Rayne Oakes interview]

Before & After Photoshop.

Katy Perry Rolling Stone Photoshop: when Beauty isn’t Perfect enough.

Music Alert: Lorde Rules with Creative Simplicity. {Video}

“After seeing a photoshopped photo of herself, 17-year-old Grammy Award-winning singer Lorde tweeted a real picture of herself from the same performance with the following message: ‘i find this curious – two photos from today, one edited so my skin is perfect and one real. remember flaws are ok ‘

For more, A Mighty Girl: “There are…two great books designed to help girls understand just how unrealistic the images we see in media and advertising can be: “All Made Up: A Girl’s Guide to Seeing Through Celebrity Hype to Celebrate Real Beauty” for ages 10 to 14 at http://www.amightygirl.com/all-made-up and “Body Drama” for ages 15 and up at http://www.amightygirl.com/body-drama

For more resources to help foster a positive body image in girls, check out our blog “Ten Body Image Positive Books for Mighty Girls” at http://www.amightygirl.com/blog?p=1757, or visit the full selection of books in our “Body Image” section athttp://www.amightygirl.com/books/personal-development/life-challenges?cat=378 “

Relephant bonus, two favorite songs:

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