Change is not a visible entity, but rather an individually integrative concept that loses definition when focus and intention are shifted out of the soul, and into the realm of words.
The biggest obstacle to outward rewards of change is depleting the importance of connecting to, and through, our soul.
Inward connection with a passion to grow and blossom, as a product of love and kindness, is the foundational cornerstones of any outward results of change.
The term “change” that we visibly and tangibly see is simply the byproduct of a deep rooted inner change and redistribution of effort/focus that produced these visibly outward results.
We can try to make a plant look beautiful by planting a small seeding in a medium sized container without expectation of ever changing it, and then watch it grow while placing all sorts of aesthetic beauty around it.
We can lavishly decorate the container while others laud the beauty surrounding this plant. Within there lies the issue—the beauty surrounding the plant instead of the plant and surroundings “being” the compellingly simple and unified beauty.
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We often quickly work to grow into our container, and as we move closer and closer to that we seem to build a materialistic beauty around us to match, forgetting that it is not accumulated beauty that made us “be” but rather the beauty of growing and expanding within the comforts of our container with proper nutrients.
When we begin to move from a mode of growth and expansion within our container to a place of escalating restriction and increasingly stagnant beauty, we need to search ourselves out a new container of opportunity and prosperity. This is not familiar ground for the plant or people, but through a strong foundation of roots and grounding, transformation and thriving over surviving is the stunningly majestic overflow.
Much like a plant to a pot, we are only restricted by the container and quality of grounding nutrients in regards to continual growth and transformation.
Inside a container, a plant can grow and flourish, reaching a point of beauty that will begin to stagnate in relation to growth, which many times remains unseen to the passing eye. The plant itself begins to become content with where it has reached its roots out to and begins to become stationary.
The passing eye may not see potential for growth, nor see any need for further beauty being added. Even this casual conclusion is a judgment without merit, as are all conclusions over observations.
It is only through looking at the plant and the totality of environment that we can conclude that the presentation of optimizing our own container of love and kindness, and the environmental and nutritional feeding, is the most continually optimal thing we can strive for while being devoid of acting on judgment or desire.
Through this optimization we are not moving towards anything but rather finding and strengthening our connection to our soul, which radiates a magnetic like effect attracting all the thrills and spills our soul will be at peace with through divine realization.
This allows for flow with grace into a space devoid of intentional directive or narrative. It is through this grounding and rooting, that we begin to exhibit and exude aura and colors and strengthen stalks into branches and trunks, buds to flowers, flowers to releasing sweet nectar—all of which are carried through the vibrational and energetic flow of every other being experiencing the release of self into the abundance of one.
When a plant is ready for the actualization and implementation of the new container, it is while still being grounded and rooted, but with an eye on the newly developed and nutrient dense container of growth.
Through careful cultivation and tilling of the soil, or soul, the fertile lands that will host our growth appear not as a place of contentious what if’s, but rather a densely fertile bed of comfort ready to nourish and comfort the ever expanding roots and branches of our divine soul shine.
Is your container, however beautiful it has been for you, the optimal container for you moving forward?
If not, begin to construct that new container with confidence; after all, for all the sun and floods, moon and droughts this container has offered, it has facilitated the beautiful radiant being you have become.
You may choose to enlist someone to help with the outline for this new container—a true soul gardener who can help you connect to your parameters for comfort of growth within a container.
Be the plant, and the groundskeeper.
Shine on!
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Apprentice Editor: Kristin Monk / Editor: Travis May
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