May 24, 2014

Cover: if Cosmo were for Guys.

Cosbro:  Why You Should Be Proud Of Your Awesome D!

Relephant bonus: Image: New Cosmo cover tells it like it is.


“If this magazine existed, women would probably start protesting and picketing outside the offices of Cosbro…”

Oh, Cosmo, you of the garish purple “the sexiest sex to sex after sex” headlines. Oh, Cosmo: “gender-enforcing, unachievable standard-setting and very profitable [douchery].”

Think that muzzle headline is an exaggeration? Think again. Good think it’s only sexist when it’s aimed at women:

Relephant comment: “Men who read [FHM] and women who read Cosmo belong together.”

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Relephant bonus:


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