May 12, 2014

Destruction, Creation, Change. ~ Jessica Brookes


Yavuz Pancareken at Pixoto

Yavuz Pancareken at Pixoto

A fallen tree

Lies upon the ground
Sliced through the heart
Where the saws did sound

And forlorn the forest
That held this tree
Her home now changed
And sad is she.

But hope doth come
In shades of pain
For on fond tree
Does life remain

The ferns now speak
up to the sun
And small trees climb
new life begun

As roots are rotting
The insects feast
And birds fly close
Their songs release

Notes that nurture
The forests woes
For she understands
how life must flow.

Among its destruction,
Creation survives,
And through this loss
Change will revive.

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Apprentice Editor: Todd Otten / Editor: Renée Picard

Photo: Yavuz Pancareken at Pixoto

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