May 12, 2014

Legendary Football Coach Vince Lombardi’s view on Homosexuality.


Vince Lombardi once told his assistants, regarding gay player Ray McDonald, “If I hear one of you people make reference to his manhood, you’ll be out of here before your ass hits the ground.” (Source: profootballtalk.nbcsports.com)


“During his first year in Green Bay, Lombardi called his team together on the practice field and delivered a rare lecture on racism. ‘If I ever hear nigger or dago or kike or anything like that around here, regardless of who you are, you’re through with me. You can’t play for me if you have any kind of prejudice.’ His actions that year were often more quiet behind the scenes, like paying Tunnell’s hotel bill when it was hard to find suitable housing, or making sure the black players had enough money to go to Milwaukee or Chicago on off-days. But as his status and power increased in his second season, his sensitivity to racial inequities intensified as well, and his responses became more overt. Before the season began, Lombardi spread the word among Green Bay’s tavern and restaurant owners that any establishment that did not welcome his black players would be declared off limits to the entire team. At Tunnell’s suggestion, he allowed the black players to leave the St. Norbert training camp twice during the preseason for quick trips down to Milwaukee, the closest city where they could find barbers who knew how to cut their hair.” ~ David Maraniss, When Pride Still Mattered


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