May 31, 2014

Sexism, the Cartoon (in the Wake of Santa Barbara).


Mysogyny, Sexism & Body Image: Trying to Make Sense of it All.

With the recent shootings at UC Santa Barbara, there have been dozens of articles and social media posts, trying to make sense of it all.

Misogyny, mental illness and similar terms have been swirling around, and many people have vehement opinions on the subject matter.

Now, I had not intended on posting anything related this latest (shudder), tragic event, but then I stumbled upon some hand drawn images that I felt motivated to share.

Though I didn’t immediately associate the images with the tragedy at UCSB, when I saw the artist’s caption below the photos, it read:

“I felt so angry at the UCSB massacre and the sexism we’re blind to everyday so I drew about my opinions on sexism to channel my rage.”

What resonated with me when I viewed these drawings was the artist’s perception of sexism, body image and even self-perception.

The notion that “men, women and all people should be treated with respect” is what fuels my motivation to share these images.






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Editor: Renée Picard

Photos: Imgur via RAZZYTASTIC


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